• Release of the Report on Nepal Specific Model of CBET
  • Discussion Program of Commercialization of Hydrogen Energy.jpg
  • Award for Sustainability Team of the Year 2024
  • JK3 Grid Interconnection Inauguration Ceremony
  • Training of Trainers on Electric Cooking
Welcome to Nepal Energy Foundation

NEF was established with the aim of providing efforts for making the energy sector of Nepal sustainable and has been successful in starting some initiatives as envisioned. NEF have been able to start few major initiatives that are of great importance to entire energy sector, to the society, and the nation.

Our Expertise


Our Initiatives

Micro Hydro Power User’s Network

NEF has facilitated for formation of network of Micro Hydro Power Users: National Mini/Micro Hydro Power Users Society (NAMHUS) Nepal, and it has 125 Micro Hydro Projects (MHPs) as its members. The network is working as an association to address common issues, challenges, and a forum to raise collective voice of MHP users. MHP Network represents the micro hydro users of all over the country, and is working for energy security, and economic benefit for far end rural communities adopting evidence-based advocacy and lobbying. In one hand, the network will work for technical and managerial capacity enhancement of the MHP users (e.g, grid synchronization technology, synchronization policy, tariff), and on the other hand, the network will support
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Women Network for Energy and Environment (WoNEE)

NEF has facilitated for formation of Women Network for Energy and Environment (WoNEE) and is continuously working for its promotion. With the aspiration of NEF in institutionalizing women’s efforts in energy and environment, WoNEE was formed on 3rd September 2017for promoting women’s access in policy process and decision making. WoNEE is present in all provinces and has more than 100 local networks. Thus, through the use of its social mobilization capability, WoNEE is expected to improve the economic status of women and establish an effective advocacy mechanism to make women friendly energy policy, and create a continuous mechanism to mainstream gender issues in energy sector.
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Grid Connection of Jhumsa Khola III MHP

Nepal Energy Foundation (NEF) played a crucial role in grid connection of Jhumsa Khola III MHP (JK3) by establishing Jhumsa Khola III Micro Hydropower Generation Cooperative (JK-3 Cooperative), providing technical and capacity building support to it, coordinating between stakeholders for fund mobilization, especially engaging Nepal Renewable Energy Program (NREP) and the Local Government to this initiative. JK3 being the first MHP that is connected to grid through NREP’s Sustainable Energy Challenge Fund (SECF), it is an important achievement in supporting the sustainability of Micro Hydro Projects. NEF’s support in sustainability of JK3 is beyond grid connection, as it is supporting JK3 cooperative in different avenues in collaboration with the umbrella organization of micro hydro users: NAMHUS (National Mini/Micro Hydro Users Society Nepal) such as transmission and distribution infrastructure upgradation, management capacity enhancement, facilitation for relevant policy formulation, and promotion of productive end uses using locally available raw materials (saal leaf plate production, beekeeping, and e-cooking).
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Latest News

NEF won the award “Sustainability Team of the Year” in RE Week 2024

NEF won the award “Sustainability Team of the Year” in RE Week 2024

NEF won the award “Sustainability Team of the Year” in RE Week 2024
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Committed for promotion of sustainable energy solutions in Nepal

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