Completed Projects

Piloting Distribution Grid Automation in a Distribution System for Remote Monitoring and Power Quality Improvement

Duration: March 2023 to November 2024 (Completed)

Location: Lalitpur District, Nepal

Funding agency: Energize Nepal, Kathmandu University

Major Activities:

  • Establishment of a research center dedicated to Distribution Grid Automation (DGA).

  • Piloting of DGA implementation, area voltage control, remote metering and billing. 

  • Development of algorithm for distribution grid automation features including area voltage regulation, post fault self-healing of distribution section, load management and overload protection.

Women-focused Awareness for Rapid Adoption of Electric-cooking

Duration: August 2023 to July 2024

Location: Tanahun District, Nepal

Funding agency: USAID/Urja Nepal Program

Major Activity: 

  • Capacity building and awareness through different means to the people of Vyas and Shuklagandaki Municipality, Tanahun. 

Study on the Impact of e-cooking Loads on operation of local distribution systems under “Market Activation of Electric Cooking in Nepal”.

Duration: June 2023 to August 2023
Location: Gulmi District, Nepal
Funding agency: Practical Action Nepal
Major Activity:Conducted impact assessment of e-cooking loads on the local electric distribution networks.

Strengthening Electric Cooking Supply Chain in Nepal

Duration: March 2023 to July 2023
Location: Lalitpur, Banke, Bardiya, Kailali, Kanchanpur
Funding Agency: Modern Energy Cooking Services (MECS)/ Loughborough University (LU)/Sparking the Cooking Supply Chain Competition (SC2)
Major Activity:Conduction of baseline study and preparation of detailed sustainable supply chain implementation plan of electric cooking

Preparation of Non-Technical Guidelines on Safety Standards, Minimal Performance, and End of Life for Energy Efficient Electrical Cooking Appliances

Duration: October 2022 to February 2023
Location: Nepal
Funding agency: Modern Energy Cooking Solutions / Loughborough University – UK
Major Activity: Interpretation of Standards of electric cooking appliances (Electric Pressure Cookers, Induction Stoves, and Air fryers) into non-technical terms.

Women-focused Awareness for Rapid Adoption of Electric-cooking

Duration: August 2023 to July 2024

Location: Tanahun District, Nepal

Funding agency: USAID/Urja Nepal Program
Major Activity: 

Capacity building and awareness of electric cooking through different means to the people of Vyas and Shuklagandaki Municipality, Tanahun.

Nepal Think Tank for creation of an outreach and dissemination forum to fast-track the agenda of Cross-border Energy Trade (CBET) and regional energy cooperation among South Asian countries

Duration: January 2022 to August 2022
Location: Nepal
Funding agency: USAID/SARI/EI/IRADe 
Major Activity: As a Nepal Think Tank on CBET, conducted various studies and outreach programs to accelerate cross border energy trade in Nepal.

Long term sustainability of small-scale hydropower schemes and community-managed rural electrification in Nepal

Duration: May 2022 to July 2022
Location: Nepal
Funding agency: WWF Nepal
Major Activity: Conducted research on sustainability of MHPs and CREEs.

Sustainability of Micro Hydro Projects

Duration: January 2021 to till date (Ongoing)
Location: Palpa District, Nepal
Funding agency: Smarter Micro Grid Ltd. UK
Activities: Piloted a remote monitoring system in Jhumsa Khola Micro Hydro Project, conducted studies on enhancing productive use of electricity, and offered technical assistance for connecting micro-hydro to the grid for ensuring sustainability of the micro-hydro project. Currently conducting economic development activities in the project area.

Development of National Standards for Infrared Cooktops and Electric Pressure Cookers and Updating the Implementation Strategy of Electric Cookstoves in Nepal

Duration: April 2021 - December 2021
Location: Nepal
Funding agency: United Nations Foundation/Clean Cooking Alliance 
Major Activity: Prepared Nepal Standards for Infrared Cooktops and Electric Pressure Cookers and prepared its Implementation Strategy.

Impact Evaluation of the Electricity Tariff on the sustainability of Community Rural Electricity Entities in Nepal

Duration: May 2021 - June 2021 
Location: Nepal
Funding agency: Renewable Energy for Rural Areas (RERA) Program, GiZ 
Major Activity: Conducted impact of newly implemented electricity tariff on the sustainability of CREEs.

Advocacy for ensuring energy justice and sustainable energy to vulnerable groups and marginalized communities in Nepal.

Duration: June 2020 to August 2021
Location: Nepal
Funding agency: Siemenpuu Foundation, Finland 
Major Activities:
Conducted Awareness Sessions: Engaged national policymakers to underscore the importance of legislation for energy justice and sustainable energy.

Prepared Advocacy Campaigns: Specifically aimed at making the government and policy makers cognizant of energy justice.

Formulated Strategies: Prioritized the delivery of sustainable energy to vulnerable groups and marginalized communities.

Enhancing Energy Management of Community Electrification through Technological and Policy Research

Duration: December 2017 to November 2020
Location: Lalitpur, Nepal
Funding agency: Energize Nepal Project - Kathmandu University
Major Activities:
Analyzed Technical Parameters of SLREC's energy losses to understand the underlying issues.

Recommended Efficiency Enhancements for operational improvement and suggested solutions for energy loss reduction.

Designed & Piloted Technological Solutions for electricity bill payment through the project.

Development of Electric Stove Standard and Standard Implementation Strategy in Nepal

Duration: January 2018 - December 2018
Location: Nepal
Funding agency: United Nations Foundation / Clean Cooking Alliance (formerly, Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves)
Major Activities:
Phase 1:
Developed Nepal Standard of Induction Cookstoves and Hot Plates.
Phase 2: Prepared implementation strategy
Note: Electric Stove Standard is a national document endorsed, owned, and implemented by Government of Nepal/Nepal Bureau of Standards and Metrology (NBSM).

Research on “Green and Inclusive Energy in Nepal”

Duration: September 2017 to December 2017
Location: Nepal
Funding agency: Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Major Activities:
Conducted research to produce both qualitative and quantitative empirical evidence of green and inclusive energy.

Facilitated informed decision-making in the energy sector and formulated effective lobby and advocacy strategies.

Piloting a project on Propeller Turbine for Low Head Energy Generation

Duration: January 2017 to December 2017
Location: Lalitpur, Nepal 
Funding agency: Practical Action Nepal 
Major Activities:
Conducted feasibility study of propeller turbine in low head site.
Verified the testing of propeller turbine in load head site in Lalitpur district.

Baseline Study for developing a gold standard voluntary carbon project on charcoal production and consumption

Duration: October 2017 to December 2017 
Location: Nepal
Funding agency: Helvetas Nepal
Major Activities: Conducted study on the prevalence of traditional pit system being practiced in the study districts, and charcoal yield from traditional pit system by informal sector, quality of charcoal, occupational health and safety of the workers involved in charring process.

Assessment on quality of access to energy services, institutional structure and economic viability of various technological options for electrification in Rural Nepal

Duration: February 2017 - August 2017
Location: Nepal
Funding agency: United Nations Development Project (UNDP) / Sustainable Energy for All (SEforALL)
Major Activities:
Assessed the quality and reliability of various electricity sources in rural Nepal, including micro hydro, solar PV, solar-wind hybrid, and the NEA's community rural electrification program.
Conducted cost, technical, and environmental impact analyses.
Engaged with local communities, government officials, and other stakeholders to gather insights and preferences.
Submitted recommendations for reliable electricity supply in rural Nepal.

Institutional Strengthening and Commercial Operation of Micro Hydro Power Plants

Duration: November 2016 to March 2017

Location: Dolakha District, Nepal

Funding agency: Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC)/RERL
Major Activities:
Conducted assessment of overall management system of MHPs of Dolakha District, and assisted for enhancing their management and institutional capacities.